
香港的前途難道斷送給這些語言能力低劣的人? 自命國際都會的香港命危矣………


港姐面試港女文投訴信事件發生於2009年5月27日及5月28日,當時《蘋果日報》娛樂版報道,報館收到兩篇自稱是香港小姐首輪面試佳麗 Lucy的英文投訴電郵,投訴當日面試時遭評判不禮貌對待。[1]投訴信內容主要以英文編寫,但間中夾雜著一些中文單詞,沒有甚麼英文文法,故此被判斷全文以「港女文」編寫。






我是 Lucy, I went to Miss Hong Kong first interview. Wah d judges very not polite and not nice law. Today I see a megazine saying this year’s Girls so ugly. I saw many good and pretty girls there but they didn’t choose ja ma. Don’t choose mei suen law but the judge in first interview– most very not polite to many young girls and to to me law. I only 18 the judges ask me to"why join Miss HK go and why not study la u only F7 ja wor how can fright with other wor." Also say my English bad… hurt die me.

Ho La, other girl tell me la, she study in University ok ga dou but little fat or short then the judge(woman) said " why you look fat or so short!" wah ho hurt ga ma. One girl is a博士 student ar very high level and very nice ga dou cant get in second interview la. We think she will be in ga but she said no law. You can search her pic and my pic to see la. She gum high level duo ng dak, gum me ng duk duo rite gei but i think the whole choosing is not fair law, choose model mei? young yao inch’, high study level yao inch, short yao inch… They onky choose rich girl law so bad. We don’t go and let them inch ga law if they need tall or high level people then why not put in the application form lei.

Waste time!
dou ng fair gei!
u can email me if u want.


Dear Apple Daily News Editor

I am Lucy XXX, I went to “Miss Hong Kong First Round Interview” yesterday. I found that the judges were very rude. Today, some news from media said that the qualities of “Miss Hong Kong First Round Interview” interviewees were very low. But I saw many interviewees were good and beautiful yesterday. They failed just because the judges did not let them past with unreasonable reason. The judges were very impolite to many interviewees and also to me. I am 18 but the judges asked me that why joined the Miss HK interview. The judges also said that I only have only F7 standard, how could I compete with other interviewees. At last, the judges said my english was very poor. I was hurt totally by their words.

One of the interviewees told me that she studied in university and just a little bit fat and not tall enough. But a female judge said "why you look so fat and short?" The words were too cruel and rude to the interviewee. At last, she failed.

One more case, an interviewee was studying a doctor degree and her attitude was very polite to everyone. But she told us that she failed and couldn’t promote to the second round. You can search her photo and my photo from some news for comparison. Such a lady with territory education level, good attitude and beauty but failure. I wondered what were the criteria of choosing interviewees of Miss Hong Kong for second round interview? Only the interviewee who has the “fashion model standard” can fulfill the judges’ criteria? Or she just needs rich enough? Therefore, “Miss Hong Kong First Round Interview” seemed to be a ridiculous game for all interviewees. It wasted my time. For more details, please feel free to contact me.

Lucy XXX



我係 Lucy,我去咗港姐第一輪面試。嘩,啲評判好冇禮貌好唔友善囉。今日我睇雜誌話今屆啲女好樣衰,但我見到好多靚女,不過佢哋唔揀咋嘛。唔選咪算囉,但第一輪面試嗰啲評判——大部份對啲女仔同我都好冇禮貌囉。我得嗰 18歲,個評判問我點解要參加港姐而唔去讀書,話我中七咋喎點同其他女仔鬥喎。又話我啲英文差……傷心死我呀。

好啦,有個女仔同我講啦,佢讀大學, OK架都,但有啲肥同矮,咁個評判(女人)就話:「點解你咁肥同咁矮!」嘩,好 hurt架嘛。

有個女仔讀緊博士,又高學歷又友善架,都入唔到第二輪面試啦。我哋成班女仔覺得佢入到(第二輪面試)架,但佢話冇囉。你可以去搵佢啲相同我啲相睇睇啦。佢咁高學歷都唔得,咁我唔得都啱嘅,但我覺得成個遴選制度唔公平囉,選 model咩?年輕又寸、高學歷又寸、矮又寸……佢哋淨係揀有錢女囉,曳到。


鍾意就 email畀我啦。

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